Attention: Christian Service Based Entrepreneurs, Online Business Owners, and Consultants...
Attention: Christian Service Based Entrepreneurs, Online Business Owners, and Consultants...
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Your next level is connected to this challenge. 
 A replay will be available for a limited time each day after the challenge.

FREE 5-Day Lead Challenge (LIVE)

A lot of up-and-coming entrepreneurs fail to consistently get leads and clients in business. I created the ‘5-Day Unlimited Leads’ challenge to help you overcome both of these obstacles!

The 5-day Lead Challenge is the way that we entrepreneurs can start to generate an endless stream of leads for our business. In just 5 days I'll show you the exact "step by step" method for generating new leads who will beg to work with you! 

When a proven process to generate leads is handed to you, you can attract your dream clients, start driving traffic to your business, and start making real money online. PLUS, get my never before shared "Content Creation Made Easy" digital learning audio (for FREE) when you show up to the trainings!

"What Would You Do With An Extra 10, 100, or 1,000 NEW LEADS PER DAY!?!"

Join The "5 Day Lead Challenge" (FOR FREE) And Learn How To "Generate" An Unlimited Amount of Leads Who Will Beg to Work With You!

The 5-Day Lead Challenge

DAY 1 - Vision

Having vision provides a sense of purpose and direction for your business. On day one, I help you to get clear on your vision that will help you define your short and long-term entrepreneurial goals to guide the decisions you make along the way. 

DAY 2 - Character

Now that you've learned what your vision is, on day two, I help you to forge a new Identity that will help you to tackle the challenges you'll face as you evolve up in the entrepreneurial space. Once we build your new identity, I teach you how to identify your dream client.

DAY 3 - Revolution

Now that you've forged a new identity and learned who your dream clients are, on day three, I introduce you the new virtual world order that's happening in business right now. Once you understand this concept, I teach you how to setup Facebook to build your online brand and reputation.

DAY 4 - Wealth

Now that you understand the future and how to build an online brand, on day four, I introduce you to how to consistently attract leads to your business by using Facebook (2.8 billion users). Once you start attracting leads consistently, you're pretty much unstoppable at this point.

DAY 5 - Future

Now that you understand how to consistently attract leads to your business, on day 5, I give you a taste of what's to come. Once you start growing your business (using the methods I taught you) I will teach you what methods you can expect to be doing at the 7 & 8 figure levels. I also offer you a chance to go deeper and to personally work with me!
© 2022 Ira Curry Holdings