Ira Curry Responds to Criticism Regarding the 'New Age' Label on His Affirmations

By Nia Jacoub 
February 23, 2024
04:18 pM
In the world of personal development, affirmations have long been a tool utilized by individuals seeking growth and transformation. However, recently, there has been some controversy surrounding the affirmations created by business celebrity and King of Business, Ira Curry. 

Critics have labeled his affirmations as "New Age," raising questions about their authenticity and alignment with traditional Christian beliefs.

Yet, Ira Curry, undeterred by the criticism, stands firm in his conviction and purpose. In response to the labeling of his affirmations, he made it clear that he was well aware of the potential association with the "New Age" movement even before their creation. However, he expressed that such labels hold no significance to him, stating, "I could care less what people think because I don’t work for people – I work for the kingdom of God."

In a recent statement addressing the controversy, Ira Curry reminded his audience of the historical roots of affirmations, dating back to the 19th century. He emphasized that affirmations were initially introduced to aid individuals in mastering personal growth and development. Furthermore, he acknowledged the dual nature of words, highlighting that just as words can be used for both good and evil, so too can affirmations.

Ira Curry affirmed that his affirmations are inspired by the Holy Spirit. He asserted that those who are truly led by the Holy Spirit and under its influence will have the discernment to recognize the authenticity and power of his affirmations. This assertion underlines his belief in the Holy Spirit inspiration behind his work and its potential to positively impact individuals' lives.

Despite the controversy, Ira Curry remains dedicated to his mission of empowering individuals through his affirmations. He is currently in the studio, creating his next batch of affirmations, which fans can expect before the end of March. Additionally, he has announced plans to host a live Ask Me Anything (AMA) session in the coming weeks, providing fans with an opportunity to engage directly with him.

For those interested in experiencing the transformative power of Ira Curry's affirmations, they are available for purchase on his official store at As Ira continues to navigate the intersection of business and personal development, his unwavering commitment to his vision remains clear, inspiring individuals worldwide to embark on their journey of self-discovery and growth.

Ira Curry is a business celebrity, chairman, coach, consultant, producer, artist, speaker and businessman. He is the mastermind behind The Ira Curry Show and Executive Chairman of Ira Curry Holdings. Ira has built an empire that has attracted audiences throughout the world.

Characterized by resilience, faith, and determination his leap of faith from corporate America provided Ira with the opportunity to launch his first business in 2018. Today, Ira owns and operates 5 privately held organizations while living in Los Angeles, California of the United States of America overseeing his 5 companies. 

Ira Curry's aim is to transform employees into consultants, consultants into coaches and coaches into celebrities by guiding, advising and supporting the new generation of business leaders on each phase of their journey. He believes true human potential happens when opportunity and hope meet. 

Shop Ira Curry Affirmations here >>  
You can keep up with all things Ira Curry here

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In the world of personal development, affirmations have long been a tool utilized by individuals seeking growth and transformation. However, recently, there has been some controversy surrounding the affirmations created by business celebrity and King of Business, Ira Curry.

Critics have labeled his affirmations as "New Age," raising questions about their authenticity and alignment with traditional Christian beliefs.

Yet, Ira Curry, undeterred by the criticism, stands firm in his conviction and purpose. In response to the labeling of his affirmations, he made it clear that he was well aware of the potential association with the "New Age" movement even before their creation. However, he expressed that such labels hold no significance to him, stating, "I could care less what people think because I don’t work for people – I work for the kingdom of God."

In a recent statement addressing the controversy, Ira Curry reminded his audience of the historical roots of affirmations, dating back to the 19th century. He emphasized that affirmations were initially introduced to aid individuals in mastering personal growth and development. Furthermore, he acknowledged the dual nature of words, highlighting that just as words can be used for both good and evil, so too can affirmations.

Ira Curry affirmed that his affirmations are inspired by the Holy Spirit. He asserted that those who are truly led by the Holy Spirit and under its influence will have the discernment to recognize the authenticity and power of his affirmations. This assertion underlines his belief in the Holy Spirit inspiration behind his work and its potential to positively impact individuals' lives.

Despite the controversy, Ira Curry remains dedicated to his mission of empowering individuals through his affirmations. He is currently in the studio, creating his next batch of affirmations, which fans can expect before the end of March. Additionally, he has announced plans to host a live Ask Me Anything (AMA) session in the coming weeks, providing fans with an opportunity to engage directly with him.

For those interested in experiencing the transformative power of Ira Curry's affirmations, they are available for purchase on his official store at As Ira continues to navigate the intersection of business and personal development, his unwavering commitment to his vision remains clear, inspiring individuals worldwide to embark on their journey of self-discovery and growth.

Ira Curry is a business celebrity, chairman, coach, consultant, producer, artist, speaker and businessman. He is the mastermind behind The Ira Curry Show and Executive Chairman of Ira Curry Holdings. Ira has built an empire that has attracted audiences throughout the world.

Characterized by resilience, faith, and determination his leap of faith from corporate America provided Ira with the opportunity to launch his first business in 2018. Today, Ira owns and operates 5 privately held organizations while living in Los Angeles, California of the United States of America overseeing his 5 companies. 

Ira Curry's aim is to transform employees into consultants, consultants into coaches and coaches into celebrities by guiding, advising and supporting the new generation of business leaders on each phase of their journey. He believes true human potential happens when opportunity and hope meet. 

Shop Ira Curry Affirmations here >>

You can keep up with all things Ira Curry here

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Ira Curry

Ira Curry is a business celebrity, chairman, coach, consultant, producer, artist, speaker and businessman. He is the mastermind behind Ira Curry Show and Executive Chairman of Ira Curry Holdings. Ira has built an empire that has attracted audiences throughout the world. He believes Christ is the mastermind behind his success. 
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